Anything and everything having to do with technology, computers, science, and most of all... Linux! The documentation of my Linux endeavor.
Wardriving with Ubuntu and Google Earth
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
"Wardriving is fun. Going around the neighborhood and mapping all the wireless networks may be nothing more than a geeky hobby but it can sure teach you alot. And viewing the results in Google Earth is icing on the cake." And all of this.... with Ubuntu Linux! It just keeps getting better... wish I had a lap top...
I am a normal teenage computer nerd living in South Carolina. I love basically anything to do with computers and science (Physics!!!), especially Linux. "Just Another Tech Blog" is based mainly on my Linux endeavour and various technology/ computer/ Linux related topics I come across while surfing the web.
For the curious among us: linnerd40 is a unification of the words Linux+Nerd+40. Pronounced lin-nerd-four-zero.