Anything and everything having to do with technology, computers, science, and most of all... Linux! The documentation of my Linux endeavor.
AMD to release new low-cost dual core 3600+ processor
Friday, June 30, 2006
"AMD has taken some heat in the past few years for the higher costs of their processors." Yeah, talk about it... But, AMD won't let this slide. So, AMD is preparing a low-cost dual core processor, the AMD X2 3600+. Performance wise, this processor will run 200Mhz slower than the X2 3800+, and will only have half the L2 cashe (only 256kb per core). Pricing should compete with lower-cost Intel dual-core processors.
I am a normal teenage computer nerd living in South Carolina. I love basically anything to do with computers and science (Physics!!!), especially Linux. "Just Another Tech Blog" is based mainly on my Linux endeavour and various technology/ computer/ Linux related topics I come across while surfing the web.
For the curious among us: linnerd40 is a unification of the words Linux+Nerd+40. Pronounced lin-nerd-four-zero.