Anything and everything having to do with technology, computers, science, and most of all... Linux! The documentation of my Linux endeavor.
Planning for Ubuntu Edgy
Thursday, June 22, 2006
On Monday of this week, more than 60 Ubuntu developers gathered in a hotel near Paris' Charles de Gaul airport to plan Ubuntu's next release, codenamed Edgy Eft. The goal of the meeting is to set the goals for the upcoming release and to chart the set of steps that will be necessary to implement it.
I am a normal teenage computer nerd living in South Carolina. I love basically anything to do with computers and science (Physics!!!), especially Linux. "Just Another Tech Blog" is based mainly on my Linux endeavour and various technology/ computer/ Linux related topics I come across while surfing the web.
For the curious among us: linnerd40 is a unification of the words Linux+Nerd+40. Pronounced lin-nerd-four-zero.