Anything and everything having to do with technology, computers, science, and most of all... Linux! The documentation of my Linux endeavor.
SuSE Linux 10.1RC2 Report
Sunday, April 23, 2006
If you are into SuSE Linux like I am, this is very interesting. I can't wait untill SuSE 10.1 is officially released (as stable). The most exciting new feature I see is that your will be able to install XGL much easier than with 10.0 and less (the packages even come on the CDs). If you choose to install the Gnome desktop environment, this new release has a much nice standard theme/ look and feel. Read the full report at here.
I am a normal teenage computer nerd living in South Carolina. I love basically anything to do with computers and science (Physics!!!), especially Linux. "Just Another Tech Blog" is based mainly on my Linux endeavour and various technology/ computer/ Linux related topics I come across while surfing the web.
For the curious among us: linnerd40 is a unification of the words Linux+Nerd+40. Pronounced lin-nerd-four-zero.